Idan Udgivelse, juni 2022

Elite sports in Finland

Despite the recent increases in public funding, Finland has experienced a radical decline in elite sports performance in the last three decades. This evaluation explores the reasons for this decline. It reports the results of a major study commissioned by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. The characteristics of the Finnish elite sports system are analysed from an international perspective, emphasising a comparison with the other Nordic countries.

Nøgleord: Eliteidræt
Åbn rapport
Udgiver: Idrættens Analyseinstitut (Danish Institute for Sports Studies)
Rekvirent: Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Antal sider: 141
ISBN: 978-87-93784-78-9

Læs mere om eliteidræt

Mathias Gidsel spiller håndbold
Idan Tema

Dansk eliteidræt