Redaktør, ph.d.

Kirsten Sparre

Ansvarlig for instituttets formidlingsopgaver.

+45 3062 9704

Kirsten Sparre blev ansat som redaktør på Idrættens Analyseinstitut i november 2019. Tidligere var hun ansat som nyhedskoordinator for Play the Game fra 2005 til 2007, og i perioden 2007 til 2014 var hun tilknyttet Play the Game på freelancebasis.

Hun er uddannet journalist fra Danmarks Journalisthøjskole (1990) og har en Master of Arts (1991) og en Ph.D. (1998) i fredsstudier fra Department of Peace Studies på Bradford University, Storbritannien.

Siden 1998 har hun arbejdet som journalist, forsker og underviser på freelancebasis og med ansættelser på blandt andet Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, Aarhus Universitet, Play the Game og Danmarks Gymnastikforbund.

Som forsker har hun udgivet inden for områderne journalistik om de kendte og de kongelige, fredsjournalistik, kulturjournalistik, sportsjournalistik, journalistiske arbejdsrutiner og entreprenørskab for journaliststuderende. Hun har en særlig interesse i sportsjournalisters ytringsfrihed og fysiske sikkerhed.

Forskning: Sådan kan vi sætte kroner og øre på stolthed og fællesskab ved sport

Kirsten Sparre

Idan præsenterer nyt værktøj: Kommunesammenligneren

Kirsten Sparre

Idan og IFFD lancerer med undersøgelse af kommunernes brug af viden om idræt og fritid

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game har kortlagt Saudi-Arabiens enorme indflydelse på international sport

Kirsten Sparre

Debat viste, at aftenskoler drives helt forskelligt i Danmark og Norge

Kirsten Sparre

5.000 foreninger på Fyn, Langeland og Ærø skal hjælpe med at afdække foreningslivet anno 2024

Kirsten Sparre

Idan skal undersøge samfundsværdien af, at ældre over 60 spiller bordtennis

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo går nu i gang med tredje omgang af 'Folkeoplysningen i kommunerne'

Kirsten Sparre

Viborg er gået fra at have en idrætspolitik til at kunne tænke idræt ind i alting

Kirsten Sparre

Ny rapport: Invester mere og organiser eliteidrætten anderledes, hvis Sverige skal vinde medaljer

Kirsten Sparre

New report Invest more and organise elite sport differently for Sweden to win medals

Kirsten Sparre

Women's football teams should not play in white shorts if they want to win

Kirsten Sparre

Nyt partnerskab vil give kommunerne data, som kan styrke deres arbejde på idræts- og fritidsområdet

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo leder nyt projekt, der skal afdække rammerne for aftenskoleaktiviteter i Norden

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game publishes dataset that maps the network of actors behind Saudi Arabia's sports strategy

Kirsten Sparre

SDU og Vifo sætter foreningslivet under lup i stort forskningsprojekt

Kirsten Sparre

Formand for Aftenskolernes Samråd København: Kommunen begik stor fejl ved at afskaffe lokaletilskud

Kirsten Sparre

Borgmester beder om hjælp fra folkeoplysningen til at løse de unges trivselsproblemer

Kirsten Sparre

Idans idrætspolitiske podcast holder pause frem til april 2024

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game launches guide and academy course on sport and climate change

Kirsten Sparre

Efterskoleelever vil gerne være aktive i foreningerne, når de kommer hjem igen

Kirsten Sparre

Samråd har fingre i alt fra fritidspolitikker til nye puljer og tilskud

Kirsten Sparre

Turismeomsætning på 49,5 mio. kr. gør ikke landsstævnet til en god forretning

Kirsten Sparre

Tag med på webinar: Sådan skriver du en ansøgning til puljen 'De nye folkerum'

Kirsten Sparre

Minister lover at indkalde til diskussion af konsekvenser af moms på undervisning

Kirsten Sparre

Frygt for at nye regler for moms på undervisning vil skabe konkurrenceforvridning

Kirsten Sparre

Member of European Parliament launches call for a world anti-corruption agency for sport

Kirsten Sparre

Stanis Elsborg modtager Gerlev-prisen for 2022

Kirsten Sparre

Realdania åbner pulje for foreningers nyskabende aktiviteter fra coronatiden

Kirsten Sparre

Beboere i seniorbyggeri har lavet en fysisk telefonkæde

Kirsten Sparre

Frivillige driver plukkehave for beboerne på Trøjborg

Kirsten Sparre

Realdania åbner pulje for foreningers og NGO'ers nyskabende aktiviteter fra coronatiden

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo og Realdania samarbejder om at lære af de gode aktiviteter under corona

Kirsten Sparre

Rapport: Derfor taber finsk elitesport terræn internationalt

Kirsten Sparre

Fortælleværksteder skal sætte nye billeder på folkeoplysning

Kirsten Sparre

‘Sport & Politics’ publishes magazine about Andrew Jennings

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo vil undersøge livet i Folkeuniversitetets lokalkomitéer

Kirsten Sparre

Aftale flytter platform til bekæmpelse af matchfixing

Kirsten Sparre

Ny rapport: indblik i samarbejdet mellem samråd og kommuner

Kirsten Sparre

Aftenskoler skal måske betale moms af deres undervisning

Kirsten Sparre

Dansk samarbejde om matchfixingbekæmpelse er ikke nået langt

Kirsten Sparre

Forsker i motionsdoping vinder Julius Bomholt-prisen

Kirsten Sparre

Idrætsdeltagelsen er på vej op, efter faciliteterne er åbnet

Kirsten Sparre

Folkeoplysning og fællesskaber – en debat med mange facetter

Kirsten Sparre

Debat om folkeoplysningsloven

Kirsten Sparre

First output ready from project to strengthen athlete power in sport

Kirsten Sparre

Kasper Hjulmand fik Gerlev-prisen for 2021

Kirsten Sparre

Interesse for samarbejde mellem kommuner og idrætsliv

Kirsten Sparre

Dansk Folkeoplysnings Samråd gør det nemmere at blive medlem

Kirsten Sparre

Ny viden fra foreninger i Aarhus Kommune om betydningen af fællesskaber

Kirsten Sparre

Der er lagt op til kampvalg i folkeoplysningens brancheorganisation

Kirsten Sparre

DIF vil gå mere offensivt til værks i international idrætspolitik

Kirsten Sparre

Nye analytikere på plads hos Idrættens Analyseinstitut

Kirsten Sparre

Nye analytikere på plads hos Idrættens Analyseinstitut og Videncenter for Folkeoplysning

Kirsten Sparre

Forslag til at lette byrder for foreninger med en bankkonto

Kirsten Sparre

Ministre:mere gennemsigtighed i internationale idrætsforbund

Kirsten Sparre

Partier udsætter evaluering af fordelingsmodel

Kirsten Sparre

Idan skal evaluere arbejdet i platformen mod matchfixing

Kirsten Sparre

Minister vil have flere med indvandrerbaggrund i foreninger

Kirsten Sparre

Ny rapport samler viden om svømmefaciliteter

Kirsten Sparre

Altinget blander sport og politik i et nyt medie med premiere i maj

Kirsten Sparre

Webinarer fra VidenHUB sætter ny viden om svømme- og vandkultur i spil

Kirsten Sparre

Ekspertgruppe bør hjælpe med at genåbne idræts og kulturliv

Kirsten Sparre

Menneskerettigheder skal være topprioritet i europæisk idræt

Kirsten Sparre

Human rights in sport rises to the top of the agenda

Kirsten Sparre

Samrådene oplever at have indflydelse, men vil have mere

Kirsten Sparre

Ny viden: Danmark har over 200 samråd inden for idræt, kultur og fritid

Kirsten Sparre

Forum for Idræt søger artikler om idrætten under corona

Kirsten Sparre

Ny undersøgelse: 90 pct. af danskerne går tur i fritiden

Kirsten Sparre

Webinar vil hjælpe idrætsanlæg med at opfylde FN’s verdensmål

Kirsten Sparre

Ny kviklånsaftale gør det nemmere for banker at sponsorere idræt

Kirsten Sparre

Samråd om VM i Qatar

Kirsten Sparre

Skuffelse efter mild straf til Rusland i dopingskandale

Kirsten Sparre

Råd til at skabe gode idrætsfaciliteter for piger

Kirsten Sparre

Initiativ vil styrke forståelsen af idræt som branche i DK

Kirsten Sparre

SDU spørger 400.000 danskere, hvordan de bevæger sig

Kirsten Sparre

12 organisationer vil have grøn demokratifond på finansloven

Kirsten Sparre

Idrætsforeninger bidrager til samfundet, men kunne gøre mere

Kirsten Sparre

9/10 i 9. klasse dyrker motion en eller flere gange om ugen

Kirsten Sparre

Good and bad effects of pandemic on sports participation

Kirsten Sparre

Minister: Kommuner bør være fleksible overfor aftenskoler

Kirsten Sparre

Team Danmark skal sikre eliteatleters trivsel

Kirsten Sparre

Mere bevægelse i folkeskolen: Millioner til Dansk Skoleidræt

Kirsten Sparre

Nye aktive trækker idrætsdeltagelsen op efter genåbningen

Kirsten Sparre

82 pct. af højskolerne gik online under coronanedlukningen

Kirsten Sparre

Ny undersøgelse kortlægger fritidslivet på Færøerne

Kirsten Sparre

Regeringens forslag til at beskytte eliteatleter møder kritik

Kirsten Sparre

Australian football executives sue FIFA whistleblower

Kirsten Sparre

Coronakrisen påvirker stadig danskernes idrætsvaner

Kirsten Sparre

Studie: Influenzadødsfald når sportsklubber kommer til ny by

Kirsten Sparre

Team Danmark-ordning for erhvervsuddannelser virker på trods

Kirsten Sparre

DIF vil rejse flere matchfixingsager med frit lejde

Kirsten Sparre

Kvinder har dårligere vilkår i dansk fodbold end mænd

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo undersøger højskolernes pædagogik under nedlukningen

Kirsten Sparre

Færre har dyrket fritidsaktiviteter under coronakrisen

Kirsten Sparre

Positiv omkring egne motionsvaner efter coronanedlukningen

Kirsten Sparre

Kampen mod matchfixing kræver politifolk med specialviden

Kirsten Sparre

Amnesty og regeringen afgør, om Danmark skal til VM i Qatar

Kirsten Sparre

Uden foreninger og fællesskaber falder idrætsdeltagelsen

Kirsten Sparre

Markant færre har været aktive under coronanedlukningen

Kirsten Sparre

Tal på vej om coronakrisens betydning for idrætsfaciliteter

Kirsten Sparre

Peter Forsberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling

Kirsten Sparre

Hvordan påvirker coronakrisen danskernes motionsvaner? Idan

Kirsten Sparre

Vifo og Idan undersøger samvirkers betydning for kommuner og foreninger

Kirsten Sparre

Idans analyse- og forskningschef rådgiver om kulturstatistik

Kirsten Sparre

13 new countries join the NSGO project

Kirsten Sparre

Journalists investigating sports corruption exposed to risks

Kirsten Sparre

Democracies hold the power in international sport - but there is little democracy in sports

Kirsten Sparre

Mega-events do not have a trickle-down effect on sports participation

Kirsten Sparre

Understanding why taxpayers end up with the bill for white elephants

Kirsten Sparre

West Germany considered pumping swimmers full of air

Kirsten Sparre

Match-fixer: I did it to survive

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA's new governance committee under fire for lack of transparency and independence

Kirsten Sparre

Mega-event politics: Ukraine stops killing of stray dogs before EURO 2012

Kirsten Sparre

New study claims doping is bigger threat to sport than match-fixing

Kirsten Sparre

Mega sports events are coming back to Western countries - temporarily

Kirsten Sparre

Sums of bribes for top FIFA officials exposed at hearing in Brazil

Kirsten Sparre

Surveying media coverage of Play the Game: Another story about football

Kirsten Sparre

Former FIFA vice-president caught on tape talking about cash gifts

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA's Director of Communications promises to speak at the next Play the Game conference

Kirsten Sparre

Jens Weinreich, Andrew Jennings win 2011 Play the Game Award

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game delegates call on the IOC to gather all stakeholders to draft a code for good governance in sport

Kirsten Sparre

Being a real woman: A matter of testing or self-declaration?

Kirsten Sparre

Pound: No reason to trust that FIFA can clean up its own corruption

Kirsten Sparre

Senior IOC-member: IOC must mobilise sports organisations to deal with corruption

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game is about passion, politics, money ... and sources in abundance

Kirsten Sparre

Sports organisations attempt to free athletes from Middle East politics

Kirsten Sparre

Former athletes want to kick career politicians out of Indian sport

Kirsten Sparre

Human rights activists want India to call off Commonwealth Games

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB reimburses corruption crusader for part of legal costs

Kirsten Sparre

HIV/AIDS will be a major issue for FIFA World Cup

Kirsten Sparre

Canadian border police drilled journalist on whether she would speak about the Olympics

Kirsten Sparre

Taiwan's president vows to clean up match-fixing in baseball

Kirsten Sparre

Beach volley partnership collapsed in total acrimony

Kirsten Sparre

Ethical volleyball federation has problems following its own standards

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB president promises democratic future to volleyball federations

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB stops practice that has enriched former president Acosta

Kirsten Sparre

German Football Federation attacks critical sports journalist with lies

Kirsten Sparre

Only minor convictions in corruption case against ISL executives

Kirsten Sparre

Sport and development conference forced to cancel after loss of funding

Kirsten Sparre

Acosta voluntarily gives up presidency of the FIVB

Kirsten Sparre

Kenya's world cup hopes in danger after fight over federation

Kirsten Sparre

Kenya's sport minister acted in excess of his powers, says court

Kirsten Sparre

Taxpayers and residents will pay dearly for Sochi Winter Games

Kirsten Sparre

Fight over rights to cover sports events moved into EU Parliament

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB president’s plan to retire may just be a power game

Kirsten Sparre

Regional handball federation continues foul play against Greenland

Kirsten Sparre

The Dangers of Sports Journalism

Kirsten Sparre

WADA president believes that the sports world should consider coalition against corruption

Kirsten Sparre

220 people gather in Reykjavik to discuss ways to end corruption in sport

Kirsten Sparre

International governance mess threatens Greenland's handball future

Kirsten Sparre

National Olympic Committee still controls San Marino volleyball

Kirsten Sparre

Tibetans set up national Olympic Committee to go to Beijing

Kirsten Sparre

New policy aims to set up India as a world leader in sport

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB suspends volleyball federation in San Marino

Kirsten Sparre

EU's White Paper on sport says more research is needed before action

Kirsten Sparre

Kenyan runners kickstart local development process

Kirsten Sparre

Athletes at Pan Am Games may update their websites after all

Kirsten Sparre

Prevention programme proposed to stop football trafficking

Kirsten Sparre

IOC asked to prevent evictions and protect Olympic workers

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA reorganises before ISL court case opens in March next year

Kirsten Sparre

Boxing federation bans ex-president and expels secretary general

Kirsten Sparre

The Olympic Games as a force for social change

Jakob Staun, Kirsten Sparre

Promises and reality in foreign reporting from the Olympics

Kirsten Sparre

Greenland victim of foul play in regional handball federation

Kirsten Sparre

Newspaper publishers worry about new restrictions on sports coverage

Kirsten Sparre

Liberian football vice president calls his own organisation corrupt

Kirsten Sparre

Liberian sports official attacks journalist in front of congress delegates

Kirsten Sparre

Commercial horse racing in Mongolia is endangering child jockeys

Kirsten Sparre

Suspended IOC member Park Yong-sung got amnesty in fraud case

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA president talks about his salary and denies bribery repayment

Kirsten Sparre

Female ski jumpers challenge IOC for breach of human rights

Kirsten Sparre

EU Commission asks citizens for their views on EU involvement in sport

Kirsten Sparre

Danish football club reported to FIFA for trafficking of young players

Kirsten Sparre

Boxing reforms off to rocky start with suspension of outspoken critic

Kirsten Sparre

Athletes are forbidden to update websites and blogs from Pan Am Games

Kirsten Sparre

Sports minister in Togo refused to punish volley leader for FIVB

Kirsten Sparre

Scandal upon scandal in Macedonian football

Kirsten Sparre

Poland sets fighting corruption higher than football interests

Kirsten Sparre

In Finland illegal doping drugs now arrive by courier

Kirsten Sparre

Founder member of Play the Game withdraws from 2008

Kirsten Sparre

Football fans assault radio reporter in Brazil

Kirsten Sparre

Fears in Ukraine for neo-nazi influence on football

Kirsten Sparre

Feyenoord questions whether a club can be responsible for hooligans

Kirsten Sparre

Fallen Italian football president can continue in the IOC

Kirsten Sparre

Secret Czechoslovakian doping programme will be exposed in 2007

Kirsten Sparre

Newspaper organisations continue fight against sports federations

Kirsten Sparre

Little support for Balco reporters from anti-doping agencies

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA and Kenyan minister fight over legitimate leadership of football federation

Kirsten Sparre

Two Olympic committees vie for power in Panama

Kirsten Sparre

UEFA wants to cooperate with the police to stop money laundering

Kirsten Sparre

Women in Somalia can play sport again after end of Islamist rule

Kirsten Sparre

States and news organisations support Balco reporters in court

Kirsten Sparre

New boxing president sets up reform committee to clear up corruption

Kirsten Sparre

Gibraltar fears that its UEFA application will not succeed after all

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA severely reprimands vice president Jack Warner for illegal ticket sales

Kirsten Sparre

China relaxes rules on foreign reporters in the run-up to the Olympics

Kirsten Sparre

Business organisations want amnesty for suspended IOC member

Kirsten Sparre

China raises Everest climbing fees to make room for trial run of Olympic torch

Kirsten Sparre

Kenya steps up pressure on Bob Munro

Kirsten Sparre

The UN adopts new action plan for sport and development

Kirsten Sparre

New FIABVB president will be watched closely

Kirsten Sparre

Former UN weapons inspector to watch over skiing ethics

Kirsten Sparre

Football fans beat up two journalists in Argentina

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA punishes Iran's government for interfering in football

Kirsten Sparre

Danish professional cyclist tells all about his doping use in the 1990's

Kirsten Sparre

Council of Europe wants sports federations to be part of policymaking

Kirsten Sparre

Kenya Premier League continues to fight for corruption-free football

Kirsten Sparre

Islamic rulers in Somalia label sport a satanic act

Kirsten Sparre

Disabled athletes also targets for kidnappers in Iraq

Kirsten Sparre

The Chinese gamble so much on football that no one wants to watch it

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game suggests global coalition for sports governance

Kirsten Sparre

French IOC president convicted of corruption

Kirsten Sparre

UEFA makes Gibraltar wait for membership after Spanish intervention

Kirsten Sparre

Showdown with corruption in Cambodias Olympic Committee

Kirsten Sparre

Trinidad & Tobago's national team resigns in row over World Cup bonus

Kirsten Sparre

Swiss magistrate accuses FIFA official of taking bribes

Kirsten Sparre

Judge rules Balco reporters must talk or go to jail

Kirsten Sparre

Jack Warner mounts defence but is not expected to sue FIFA

Kirsten Sparre

International cricket will throw out racist spectators

Kirsten Sparre

Greenpeace tries to stop Olympic constructions in Sochi

Kirsten Sparre

Eccentric chess president wants to be president of IOC

Kirsten Sparre

Calls on FIFA to lift its intolerable ban on Jennings

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB critics will found new federation in Copenhagen

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA vice president breached FIFA code to sell 4500 World Cup tickets

Kirsten Sparre

Romanian president wants Securitate files on athletes opened

Kirsten Sparre

Gibraltar to become member of UEFA despite Spanish resistance

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA does not feel obliged to work with difficult journalists

Kirsten Sparre

Chairman of Play the Game resigns

Kirsten Sparre

Blood profiles and anti-doping expert to clean up cycling

Kirsten Sparre

UEFA and European politicians to discuss sports governance at conference

Kirsten Sparre

Undemocratic cricket constitution rejected in Zimbabwe

Kirsten Sparre

Ismail Bhamjee looses all football posts after World Cup ticket affair

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA takes action against Croatian fans forming human swastika

Kirsten Sparre

Director of Swedish anti-doping organisation sniffed cocaine

Kirsten Sparre

Young Chinese athletes in collective doping case

Kirsten Sparre

One Swaziland reporter assaulted by soccer player, another by fans

Kirsten Sparre

New Zealand Cricket compensated for government's action on human rights

Kirsten Sparre

IOC must soon come up with final decision on member convicted of fraud

Kirsten Sparre

Greek politicians exempted football from new law after FIFA pressure

Kirsten Sparre

Foreign correspondents say China is not ready to host Olympic press corps

Kirsten Sparre

Athletes and sports officials in Iraq under constant threat of murder or abduction

Kirsten Sparre

Tourists are deterred by the Olympics, claims new report

Kirsten Sparre

Spanish authorities urged to publish all information in doping case

Kirsten Sparre

IOCs Ethics Commisssion punishes Drut despite French pardon

Kirsten Sparre

EU Commission will produce White Paper on sport next year

Kirsten Sparre

Another French IOC member in court on corruption charges

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game publishes conference magazine

Kirsten Sparre

Jennings claims FIFA paid back bribes money to ISL

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA officials abuse world cup ticket system

Kirsten Sparre

Cricket reporters still wait for official report on police assault

Kirsten Sparre

Play the Game invites FIFA to set the record straight

Kirsten Sparre

Framework for FIFA's new Ethics Committee unclear

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB accuses ex-secretary general of embezzlement

Kirsten Sparre

Disgraced Italian soccer president can still work for FIFA

Kirsten Sparre

70 national federations behind challenge to FIVB and Acosta

Kirsten Sparre

TV host felled for his part in Juventus scandal

Jesper Kock, Kirsten Sparre

FIFA gets partial ban on sale of new book by Jennings

Kirsten Sparre

Homeless World Cup 2007 to Copenhagen

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA lets off Jack Warner

Kirsten Sparre

Handball sponsor threatens life of sports editor

Kirsten Sparre

Work on genetic doping test has begun

Kirsten Sparre

Swedish ombudsman: Boycott World Cup in protest against prostitution

Kirsten Sparre

FIVB rules make it impossible to challenge president

Kirsten Sparre

Football World Cup enrolled in fight against forced prostitution

Kirsten Sparre

FIFA lifts all restrictions on newspaper photos

Kirsten Sparre

Claims and counter-claims in Volleygate

Kirsten Sparre

Idans idrætspolitiske podcast skifter navn til Mediano 2

Kirsten Sparre